Let’s work together to make Church safe for everyone


After many restrictions, it is wonderful to be able to have a full programme of services and events back on. It is important that we do everything possible to keep each other safe.
You are welcome to wear a face covering and hand sanitiser continues to be available at the entrance to Church. We are serving refreshments at all of our services, but can we ask that once you have been served you move away with your drinks to chat with friends and avoid overcrowding. We do need to have good air circulation and to ensure this the four small, top windows will be open during services. This should not cause unnecessary draughts but you might consider an extra jumper if needed.
If we work together, we will make sure everyone has a safe and blessed time in church.

Please note the following revised programme for all of our services

Kid’s Church and Youth AM happen during the 10:45 service

9AM - In Person

10:45AM - In Person (Live-Streamed)

6PM - In Person